This is an invitation to Faces of the Heart, an International Youth Assembly which will take place in Nantes (France) between June 30 and July 13, 2018. Download the flyer and a presentation
In 2016, a handful of passionate educators initiated and successfully led Faces of the Heart, an International Gathering of Sacred Heart students hosted by La Perverie, in Nantes (France). The enthusiasm generated by this first experience inspired the team to start over and grow the project to new dimensions in 2018. The theme suggested for the next summer’s Youth Assembly is: Education for a Better World.
We hope that your school will be able and willing to nominate ambassadors who can participate in Faces of the Heart 2018. Please help us identify 1-2 students in your school who distinguish themselves as true children of the Sacred Heart and will be able to participate. The full letter can be downloaded here.