PROYECTO D: DESDE DENTRO Developing Interiority Part 2
Hace 200 años, Sofía Barat ya había hecho el descubrimiento de que en cada persona hay toda una vida que nos vive dentro y todo un mundo interior que es esencial cuidar para llegar a ser en profundidad Mas...
‘Proyecto D’ (‘D Project’, ) has been created in order to provide an answer to the desire to discover, meet and take care of that inner space within all those who make up our educational communities.
Two hundred years ago, Sophie Barat had already discovered that there is a whole life in everyone There is a delicate inner world whose care is essential to be able to, fully and deeply, be. More..
EDUCAR LA INTERIORDAD Developing Interiority
EDUCAR LA INTERIORDA =Link for Spanish articleIn 2016 the Spanish Network of Sacred Heart Schools decided to update their Religious Education and Pastoral Mission. A new Pastoral Plan was written and one of the points of that plan was to make provision for the developing the interiority (inner lives) of our teachers and students.As we cannot transmit what we don’t live in our own lives, a priority is to provide formation for our teachers.This was the main purpose of the meeting held in Santa María de Huerta from July 3rd-5th 2017, which was attended by 135 teachers from the 15 schools in the Spanish Network. Six of our won teachers led workshops which provided formation where interiority could be experienced: everyone was full of creativity, hope and enthusiasm. From next year onwards, we hope that these teachers will be proactive in building teams to develop students in this area.
Student Leadership Conference, England 2018
For the fourth time the student leaders of our English Sacred Heart schools met together to learn more about the skills and qualities essential for leadership. With a mixture of practical activities to help them identify leadership types as well as their own qualities students got to know each other as well. On the second day there was a tool kit session on body language, listening skills, meetings, "small" talk and much more. Alongside this they reflected on the leadership of Sts Madeleine Sophie, Philippine Duchesne and, of course, Jesus himself, the servant king. Woldingham gave us another great welcome.
Session des Adjoints en Pastorale Scolaire
Du mardi 29 novembre au jeudi 1er décembre 2016, les animateurs et adjoints en pastorale scolaire des différents établissements du réseau se sont retrouvés à Joigny.Les objectifs de cette session étaient d’une part de mieux se connaître et de partager, d’autre part de se poser, se ressourcer dans la maison de Madeleine Sophie Barat et enfin d’envisager l’avenir et de créer un réel réseau pastoral au sein de la Province.Sœur Rachel et Sœur Marie-France nous ont également permis de s’approprier le projet de Madeleine Sophie Barat et de mieux connaître la vie de Philippine Duchesne.Une dynamique est lancée et des liens forts se sont créés au cours de cette belle session.Christophe Blanchard, Délégué de la Provinciale, France
Heart Fest 4
In October 2018 the Sacred Heart schools in Fenham, Newcastle hosted “Heartfest 4” for our English Schools Network. Students and staff from all our schools came together for a couple of days of activities, fun, song and prayer. We took the theme from our Goal for the year: Personal Growth
To find out more about our Heartfest in 2016