European funded projects
On our news page you can read about the latest European funded project involving our schools: European Identity and Values in Young People. These projects give the young people and teachers involved such a wonderful opportunity to meet, get to know and dialogue with their peers from other European countries. Our schools have submitted successful bids for the funds because they choose such relevant and topical issues. If you want to know more about the schemes please send an email (see the foot of the page) and the webweaver will put you in touch with someone with the expertise!
Film Fest in Armagh: completion of Sacred Heart Erasmus Project on Migration
In May 2017 all the schools involved in the Erasmus+ project came together to share the films they had made on Migration. As one of the leaders* of the project said, this was the culmination of two years' work that had seen Sacred Heart pupils from Ireland, France and Spain come together to investigate immigration and its impacts across Europe and within their own communities. The pupils had debated the importance of the European project, the ideals of the European Union, discussed in depth whether or not the Schengen agreement is still viable, questioned the border policies of members states while at the same time acquiring the skills necessary in order to be able to create short films while visiting each others' countries. Their understanding of the desperate situations faced by migrants is clear in their films. See the here the blog they kept over the two years, the programme for the Film Fest with its synopses of the films and a link to the French and Spanish films. Thanks to Conall Ó Máirtín*, from St Catherine's Armagh, Northern Ireland, for sharing the students' outstanding work with us. Congratulations to all!
Philippine Project
The Philippine project was introduced as a way of celebrating our internationality. St Philippine was the first RSCJ to take the Society to another country when she set off for the United States in 1818. In October and November we invited Sacred Heart Schools across the world to reflect on “Migration in our Times” and write a prayer to share electronically with sister schools. During the week of her feast day, November 18th, we will unite in prayer with Philippine, “the woman who prays always”, for the millions of migrants facing hardship across the world and for those involved in helping them.
Find out what we did in 2015 …
With the bicentenary celebrations, we took a break from this initiative, but will start again in 2020
Une Recontre avec Madeleine Sophie
In October 2022 there will be another opportunity for Sacred Heart Educators from our schools in Europe to attend a formation session in Joigny. This will be our ninth time there and each time is really special: the chance to hear and experience Sophie’s story in her own home as well as meet colleagues from across our European Network. Places are allocated through your Network Coordinators.
Find out more about a previous session ... ( downloads)
Comenius project: Austria, Ireland, Malta and Scotland
Five Sacred Heart Schools (St Catherine’s Armagh, Northern Ireland; Mount Anville Secondary, Dublin; Kilgraston, Scotland; Sacred Heart Malta; and Sacré Coeur, Vienna) joined forces for a Comenius project on Social Awareness. Our older students worked in different social institutions on a voluntary basis, raised money for charity projects and shared Sacred Heart traditions when they finally personally met in Armagh, Vienna or Dublin. A definite highlight was the debate “Should Africa go it alone?” in April 2014 which involved 3 of the schools in Dublin.
Read about the project on Sacré Coeur Vienna’s website, and check the photos using the menu on the left!